Working for a better Fitchburg for everyone
I envision a Fitchburg that is equitable and inclusive, where all of our neighbors are connected to a community that is prosperous and safe.
Imagine a future for Fitchburg where all our neighbors have safe places to live, work, and play...
Where it is easy to get around on foot, bike, bus or car and everyone has a local business nearby where they can shop, eat, and gather.
Where everyone has the opportunity to access green space to support healthy habits and recreation.
Where there is an affordable housing option for every resident at every stage of life.
Where we are prepared for the effects of climate change and our continued growth is smart and sustainable, with limited impact on our precious resources.
Where there is a strong and diverse workforce with great job opportunities.
Where city government is transparent, strategic, and forward-thinking in decision-making.
Where all residents are invited to participate in our community decisions no matter their economic status or preferred language.
I ask for your vote on April 4 2023 to be the next mayor of Fitchburg
As your mayor, I will fight to build an inclusive city with smart planning that is sustainable for future generations.
We can build a budget that better serves all of our residents.
I have the professional and lived experience to lead us there.
I am a four-term alder, an experienced accountant, and a proud American citizen that immigrated here and raised my family in my chosen home of Fitchburg.
We can make progress on these issues
Foster healthy and safe neighborhoods
Promote affordable housing options, including workforce and senior housing, using Tax IncrementFinancing (TIF), other city investments and regional partnerships.
Invest in underserved areas with continued commitment to the Healthy Neighborhood Initiative.
Continue progress on theNorth Fish Hatchery Road neighborhood HUB and future Teen Center.
Invest is quality parks, including improving park amenities and building new places like Moraine EdgePark.
Improve intracity transit options, including access to E-bikes, greenway corridors and public transportation.
Expand access to voting with additional polling places.
Invest in sustainability
Build infrastructure that is resilient to climate change impacts.
Promote sustainable land use, including prioritizing infill and adapting our zoning code to allow for smart code development.
Continue investment in renewable energy and electric city vehicles.
Plant trees and native plants.
Preserve farmland.
Promote community initiatives including community gardens, recycling and composting activities and waterway cleanups.
Communicate with residents and partners
Host regular listening sessions in all areas of the city to hear directly from residents, especially Healthy Neighborhood Initiative neighborhoods
Translate city materials into different languages and provide Spanish language updates to residents.
Send regular newsletters with city updates.
Collaborate proactively with regional, state, and federal partners to bring resources to Fitchburg.
Boost the local economy
Promote local shopping at restaurants and shops.
Grow job opportunities by attracting new businesses and industries.
Incentivize small locally owned businesses, especially in underserved areas.
Work with local chambers of commerce to inspire entrepreneurship.
Cultivate an economic environment to attract new businesses and industries that will promote economic development and growth.
Collaborate with regional business partners to promote our community.